Friday, May 25, 2007

More evidence in support of impeachment?

In an NBC article that came out this AM, it appears that US intelligence services presented detailed analysis of what would probably happen if we invaded Iraq and, as you might expect, the information was apparently ignored by the Bush administration. Perhaps not essential to, but certainly supportive of a call for impeachment.

Unfortunately, because this information was also made available to congressional intelligence committees, and they gave Bush a blank check to invade Iraq anyhow, it undercuts somewhat the high moral ground upon which Congress could build an impeachment case. Besides, there is nothing in the intelligence analysis that civilian experts outside the government didn't say loudly and frequently before the invasion. And for many of us outside the goverment, it was equally clear that the case for invasion was a pack of lies cooked up by Bush, Cheney, Rove, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, and Powell (and no doubt other less well known sub-demons in the administration). Yet those members of Congress who voted to authorize the war (especially those Democrats who did so) claim that they had no idea that the reason for invasion (WMD) was a total lie, cooked up by the administration.

The utter unbelievability of this position -- and the fact that there were braver members of Congress (eg Sen. Byrd) who did argue against the war and did maintain that the justification for war was nonsense -- makes the case for impeachment even more difficult, at least for prominent democrats like Hilary Clinton and other Democrat hawks. An impeachment based on "who knew what and when did they know it" would inevitably make Congress look almost as bad as Bush (a fact which is reflected in recent polls showing that the public esteem Congress and the President about equally - which is to say not very much). So maybe this has something to do with the apparent reluctance of Congress to bring this rogue adminsitration to justice for its misdeeds.

However, events that have occurred since the war began, including willfull violations of the Geneva Conventions, illegal domestic intelligence activities, and, in general, a Justice Dept run amuck, seem like quite sufficient grounds for impeachment even without the issue of the cooked intelligence that Bush and his fellow thugs used to start the war.

So what's the problem, Congress!?

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